Thursday, April 18, 2019

Paranormal Quiz Time! - Answers

So here are the answers to the paranormal quiz. (Grizelda Mumenschotz, you got just about everything! I’m impressed!)

1. Denizens of Victorian England told ghost stories at Christmas time, having story-time both Christmas Eve and Christmas night. Can you picture them sitting in a darkened room, close to the fire, telling chilling tales in hushed voices? What a cool idea!

2. Sara Winchester kept construction going on The Winchester Mansion throughout her entire life in an effort to keep away the spirits of those killed by Winchester guns.

3. The Mel Meter 8704 was invented by electrical engineer Gary Galka, whose daughter Melissa (Mel) died at the age of 17 as the result of a car accident. After her funeral, everyone in the family became convinced that Mel was trying to contact them by switching lights on and off, moving things, and eventually producing EVP (ha! That answer comes later!) Mr. Galka constructed a device that would allow for easier communication with his daughter. The number of the model indicates the year of her birth (1987) and the year of her death (2004).

4. “Goat-sucker” is the ever-lovable chupacabra, “noisy ghost” is the translation from German for poltergeist, and “shtriga” is Romanian (also close to the Polish word for it) for vampire.

5. The married demonologist and medium are Ed and Lorraine Warren.

6. Their demonologist nephew who had his own show is John Zaffis, “The Haunted Collector.” By the way, both the Warrens and Mr. Zaffis have a museum of haunted objects. Annabelle lives at the Warrens’ museum. I don’t think I’d visit either place even if they were open to the public.

7. EVP is electronic voice phenomena (picked up on a tape recorder or other recording device).

8. EMF is electromagnetic field. (Changes in the field, as indicated by an EMF detector, can mean the presence of a spirit or entity.)

9. Two haunted museums, both the site of murders committed by axe, are The Lizzie Borden House, also a B & B in Massachusetts, and The Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa. (Grizelda, were you watching Kindred Spirits?)

10. The community of psychics, mediums, and spiritualists in New York is Lily Dale.

11. The similar community in Florida is Cassadaga.

So how did you all do? Want to play again??? Let me know…

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